Nowadays, our country is becoming more danger than before. When we go out at night, maybe we will meet a snatch theft that snatches our things or maybe someone will kidnap you too. It is really dangerous when going outside at night. But, I can tell you that while it is still day we can be in danger too. People are more horrible than ghost now. They will do anything just to get something. They will not care about the consequence. It is very horrible.
Crimes are happening around us every day. When we read the newspaper every day, they will be news is about crime, no matter what crime it is. So, we should appreciate our life and always stay alert when we are out from the house to prevent these crimes happen to our life.

The meaning of break in is a person goes in to a house silently and without asking the permission of the house owner and go in to the house. This person will steal anything that is expensive or valuable. Usually, they will go in where nobody is home.
This crime case is happen where the theft force opens the windows, grille gates or doors. The other way is cutting the padlocks, and grilles, or maybe gaining entry through neighboring house or shop. The most careless for the owner is gaining entry by using household tools left outside the house.
Lock all the doors and windows when you are not in the house. Do not left any valuable things in your house. The snatch theft usually is well prepared when they plan to break in someone house. So, everyone must prepare not to give a chance to let them break in our house. Tell your neighborhoods to always take alert and keep an eye on your house while you are away.
The punishment for this crime is to jail them not less than 18 months and not more than 10 years, and a fine. This punishment is only for day. While housebreaking and theft by night is to jail of not less than 2 years and not more than 14 years and a fine.

Child abuse now is as common as it shocking. The child neglected by his or her family. Their family thinks that the birth of them is an unlucky or a bad thing. Usually child abuse happened when the child mother accidentally pregnant and they have no ability to take care of them, so they decide to leave them and abandon them. Their parents wish to give birth to them but unfortunately they can’t raise them up. The main reason is because economy problem. They do not wish to let their child suffer so they decide to abuse them, neglect them.
The most pity is the child actually. They do not have any people to accompany them and the abuse will lead them to a dark end with no hope. Their family thinks that abuse them is the best way to let them survive but they are wrong. The caring of the family is the most important to the child. They are just only a little kid which does not know anything. All they need is just the love of the family.
Pick Pockets

What is a pickpocket? Pickpocket means that it is a thief who steals from pockets without anyone knowing. Usually, this crime is not violent and it is an easy way to get some extra money without hurting the victims. Pick pockets usually happened in a place where there are crowded or a place where are full of people. Even if suspected, a pickpocket can clam ignorance and just say they bumped into the person. These pick pockets are hard to catch unless you have the evidence.
There are all sorts of pick pockets in the world. In Malaysia, pick pockets usually happened in the bus, lrt or train because these public transport is full of people when morning and evening. This is a chance where pick pockets can steal from you. When the pick pockets discover you carry some money and valuable things like a brand new style cell phone, they will steal it when you are not paying attention and the thief can disappear into crowds easily.
Pick pockets like easy targets. A skilled pick pocket can hit almost any pocket, but they prefer easy targets. Open bags, outside pockets of a backpack or shoulder bag, these will cause their attention. For example, you put your wallet in a back pocket when crowded or full of people, I am sure that you can’t find your wallet when you go back home. Other than that, please do not think that pick pockets is only for adult but sometimes a kid will do a pick pocket as well. So, be very careful when you are outside the house. Only you can protect yourselves.

Rape is about power but not sex. A rapist uses actual force or violence to force the victims to have sex with them. The rapist is taking control over another human being. Some of them are using drugs to take away a person’s ability or tie them up. No matter how it happened, rape is frightening and horrible.
A people who have been raped before, they need comfort, care and a way to recover. They will feel depressed and alone. They need friends and the support of the family. The rapist is such a horrible person. They are irresponsible. After they get their so call happiness, they ran away just like a mouse. This crime is seriously affecting the woman. In Malaysia, the victims usually will be killed by the rapist. Nowadays, human being is more and more horrible. We are human but some of them acting like wild animal. Why? The world is changing. People do not care about the consequence anymore.
Surely, rape is not about passion and has nothing to do with love. Rape is only an act of aggression and violence only. There is nothing more but just this. We must take good care of ourselves and stay alert.

In Malaysia, snatch theft is a very general crime case. Snatch theft is a criminal act of forcefully stealing from a person while employing rob-and-run tactics. It is typical for two thieves to work together and ride a motorcycle to make theft escape easier. A person drives the vehicle while another does the act of theft itself. However, some of the snatch thief works alone or do not use a motorcycle to rob. They just walk closely to the victims and snatch their handbags away.
Lately, some instances of snatch theft have caused fatalities through subsequent acts of violence. They not only wish to get the money but sometimes they do hurt people by forcing them to give the theft money. Nowadays, there are so many snatch thefts around us. It is frightening. This crime happens when the snatch thefts approaching victim when they are not alert and no people around, then snatch the handbag or necklace or cell phones from the behind of the victim. Through this action, the victim maybe falls down and hurt them.
If the theft has been caught, he will be jail term which may extend to three years or a fine or both. The other one is when a person convicted of theft with assault or criminal force is liable to a jail term of not less than one year and not more than seven years and caning. This is the consequence of what the theft did.

Vehicle theft, or sometimes we call motor vehicle theft, is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle, including a car, a bus, motorcycle or any other vehicle. These thefts sometimes maybe steal the things inside the car or steal the whole car.
The theft either by breaking and entry, followed by hotwiring or other tampering methods to start the vehicle to steal it. The theft also takes the vehicle by force or threat of force from its owner or operator of the car. In most places, this is the most serious form of theft, since assault also occurs. The operators and passengers are forced from the vehicle while the thief drives it away or maybe the passengers are forced to remain in the vehicle as hostages. This usually happen when a child is left in the vehicle or a person is having a nap and the theft decide to steal the car.
Mostly, the victims report as soon as the theft left or discovers their car has lost. Vehicles stolen are less likely to be returned to their owners, since they have been dismantled, and some of the parts have either been sold as replacement parts or built into new vehicles. The vehicles most frequently stolen are Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and some expensive cars which cost a lot. But, nowadays, except the old type pattern and broke car, the theft will steal any model of car just to get some money.
Crime rate of Kuala Lumpur
City CID chief Senior Assistant Commissioner (II) Ku Chin Wah said that the Kuala Lumpur crime rate dropped by 7.1% last year compared to 2006. The number of cases reported last year was 29,473 while there were 31,740 cases in 2006.
The solving rate for violent crimes and property crimes improved to 54.7% and 33.2% respectively. Snatch theft cases decreased by 999 cases while general property theft cases dropped by 2,308 cases. 37.5% of serious crime cases were solved.
However, violent crimes such as rape and unarmed gang robbery spiked up last year. Unarmed gang robbery saw a 95% increase, the largest jump which police attributed to a reclassification exercise conducted in October 2007. Amendments were made to Section 391 of the Penal Code, which now defines gang robbery as robbery committed by two or more people, instead of five or more people previously.
The number of rape cases increased from 147 in 2006 to 228 last year, up 55%. As rapists usually know their victims, the solving rate of such cases was 91.2%.
Motorcycle and car thefts increased by 667 cases, rising to a total of 9,995 cases. House break-ins have the biggest increase in the property crimes index with 2,489 cases last year, up 448 from 2006. (According to The Star Online, Cops, Crime Rate down 7-percent)
The causes of crimes
People suffer from the financial problems like lost in their investments. They borrow money from illegal financial company such as “along” to pay their debts. When they have no money to pay for “along”, so they choose to do crimes to get the fast money.
People lose jobs because of the economy unstable. Nowadays, people hard to find job in the society.
They want to get the money easily and they do not want to work to earn money because they are lazy to work. So they do crimes to get the money easily and quickly.
Unhealthy lifestyle
People will lose their rational after taking the drug and alcohol. They do the crimes in unconsciousness circumstance.
They watched X-rated movies since they are young; they are under influence of adults. They will learn from the movies and do the crimes like rape when they are sexual needed.
They watched too much aggressive and violence movies. They will get the media impact immediately and learn from the movies. They will do crimes when somebody makes them angry.
People do crimes when they felt so stressful. They do crimes to reduce their pressure because crimes can satisfy their need. They enjoy other people suffering.
Some criminals come from single family. They are lack of love because no people regulate and love them.
Parents do not play the role models. Parents are the model for the kids. Kids will learn from their parents. They will cope what their parents do.
Parents are not caring and concern them. Parents only work to earn money. They always neglect their children. Parents thought they only need give their kids money can satisfy their needs. Parents do not know what their kids need. Their kids need their concern and caring.
Parents not give appropriate education to the kids since they are young. Parents do not teach their kids what is right or wrong.
Friends influence
People know some friends that have no good personalities such as smoking, always skip class, not respect to teacher and no discipline.
Friends influence them and ask them do the crimes together. They are easily get influence from friends so they will obey their friends. They will follow what their friends ask them to do.
Some people will do crimes because they scare their friends will look down on them. They do not want their friends look down on them so they do crimes when their friends ask them to do.
Effects and consequences of crime
We discuss about the crime early and found out that if these crimes still happen, the effects and consequences of crimes will be more serious and most important the people here will be in very danger that can easily lost their life.
The first effects of crime are the people will worry about their life everyday and worry everyday when they go out from the house. They dare not to go out because of crime they will maybe get hurt or die. Thieves nowadays are cruel and bad. When they get what they want, they would not let you go easily but will kill you or hurt you because they scare the victims will recognize them and report to the police.
The next effects or consequence of crime is about girls. Girls are weak and not strong. When they face crime like rape, they will have side effect. They will maybe afraid of anyone and will not talk to anyone anymore. Some girls can face the situation but most of the girls can’t. The victims will remember what happened to her before and they will not forget this incident. They will suffer forever because of this incident. Some will be insane or psychology problems.
The third effect of crime is the resident of Malaysia will not trust this country or the police anymore. They will feel that the police here can’t even protect the resident of Malaysia. The people here do not have the confident to the police. This will cause the name of Malaysia drop and no tourist will come to Malaysia anymore because here is dangerous. Then, our economy will drop and our country will slowly going down
How to Prevent the Crimes
Break In
Firstly, make sure that all your doors are securely locked. Besides that, locked yourDoor every time when you go out, even for a few minutes. Moreover, make sure your porch and all entrance or other areas are well lighted. Other than that, do not hide your keys under the doormat or in a flowerpot, because there are the most obvious places and also install an alarm system for summoning emergency help as long as you can.
Snatch Theft
Avoid carrying excess cash and displaying it in public. You can use your charge card or credit card for purchases. Besides that, sling your handbag in front of you, so that you can keep eye on it and make sure that is properly fastened or zipped. More than that checks your wallet or handbag immediately if someone bumps into you. Do not be fooled by strangers who try to distract you by creating a commotion or offering to help to clean to your soiled clothing and try not to doze off in public transport or leave you belongings unattended.
Rape is a violent crime that is something you or others should not experience. However, when a rape occurs, you should not accept it as “fate” or bad luck as most cases can be prevented when you are alert to your surroundings especially in dark and quiet places. Other than that, you may portray confidence while working and make sure other female passengers accompany you when traveling by public transport. Moreover, you should inform your family about your plans and where you are going. However, you also can learn some martial arts or self-defense for your own protection.
Vehicle Theft
Although it is increasingly difficult to prevent vehicle theft by professional thieves’ facts indicate that such crimes can be prevented as many cases or theft are carried out by amateurs and can be prevented easily when you park your car at well-lit areas. Besides that, lock your car doors as soon as you get into your car and also ensure that all the doors are locked before leaving your vehicle. Moreover, do not hand over your car key to a jockey or remove the faceplate or CD player when leaving your car.
Sexual Abuse of Children
Children are innocent and gullible. They are without doubt very precious to you. It is therefore important to prevent them from falling prey o tragedy. Thus, make sure you teach your children to know their bodies, and the proper names of their private parts. Other than that, let your children know that no one’s have the right to touch them without their permission. Except it, urge them to tell you anything out of the ordinary. After that, teach them not to open the home doors to strangers and must be attentive and listen to what they say....
After all of you know and understand the knowledge about crimes, we hope that all of you will be alert at anywhere, anytime and especially girls, we all must always be confident and better to do not let anyone to harm us. It is also a way to avoid those rapists and snatch theft to hurt us too.
anyway we do teach you all some methods to prevent these crimes happen to us. We hope that our methods can be useful in future time and the resident of Malaysia can remember that in your mind, so that it will not easily happen to you. I can say that if you trust yourselves better than you trust other people or the police.
First, police should reinforce their cruises especially the places that always happen the crimes cases. It will help to decrease the opportunity of the crimes cases happen.
Second, people should avoid bring too much money when they are go out. They also should avoid wear too many jewelers because it will attract the criminal’s attention.
Third, people should not be alone when they at outside. They should find somebody such as family, friends or partner when they want to go out. It is because go out alone is very dangerous.
Fourth, people should report to the police when they found somebody is doubted or got some strangers tail them. They should call the 999 immediately to make the report. thanks for read
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